Multiple benefits

Cost reduction up to 50%
Recurring Optimization Analysis
Reduction of the Number of Suppliers
Continuous Flow
Process Improvement
Storage Space Optimization

What do we do?

Through a detailed analysis of your workflow, we identify critical points and provide a solution with the 2BIN system.

We transform complex processes into simple and efficient operations.”

By simplifying processes and making optimizations, you save valuable time and ease the workload of your colleagues.

How do we do this?

We generate a unique QR code for each product, and by simply scanning the QR code with a mobile phone, the application immediately identifies the product and the required quantity.

After scanning, the system automatically generates an order, simplifying the process and ensuring that materials are ordered without delays.”

We ensure that the necessary products are always at your disposal.

Types of Products




Representative Projects

Electric Industrial Logistics
2BIN – Electroglobal Production Workshop
Electroglobal - 2024

Contact Form

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Or contact our specialist directly:

Ionuț-Bogdan Gaidoș
Connected Business Manager